"Movember Event" @ Waldwick
Guest Post by: Josh Sussman ( @WMS_Counselor ) Waldwick Middle School Guidance Counselor Gentleman of the Waldwick Community, As you may have noticed, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. By wearing pink , there is increased awareness of this disease while funds continue to be raised. What many people do not know, is the month of November is dedicated to men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer. In order to raise awareness of these diseases, I am suggesting we join the Movember Movement and GROW MUSTACHES for the month of November. I have created a Waldwick Warriors Page and hope to get as many students and faculty members as possible to join. Registration is free, and if you have any issues please let me know. You do not need to participate in order to donate, and friends and family are welcome to join our team as well, it is open to the public. ...