Class of 2023 - 2025 (Graduation Requirements UPDATED)
Class of 2023 - 2025 (Graduation Requirements) These requirements were adopted by the New Jersey State Board of Education on September 8, 2021 for the classes of 2023 - 2025. Graduation Assessment Requirements First Pathway: Students must take and demonstrate proficiency in Grade 11 on the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment, which includes content aligned to the Grade 10 New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) in ELA and the NJSLS in Algebra 1 and Geometry. If after completing the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment a student does not demonstrate proficiency on the ELA or mathematics section, the student may retake the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in the following summer or fall. If after completing the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in Grade 11, students did not demonstrate proficiency by passing the ELA component or the mathematics component, such students may access the following pathways: * These pathways are only availa...