Semester 2 Assessments
Semester 2 Assessments will take place from June 10 to June 14. We will be running a modified schedule with two assessments per day. Here is the Schedule for the five days of assessments, as well as the schedule for last two days of school - Semester 2 Assessment Schedule A few items to clarify: Each assessment block is 2 hours (8:05 - 10:05 & 10:15 - 12:15) For Semester 2 Assessments, all classes that are not giving an Assessment will not be meeting. Example: Related Arts, PE, Study Hall, electives, etc. Assessments will include Multiple Units/Skills and Standards, but not everything that was covered during the second Semester. The Semester 2 Assessment counts as 6% of the overall class grade. Each Marking Period is 22% (4) and each Semester Assessment is 6% (2)