PARCC (End of Year) Testing

PARCC EOY (End of Year) testing is here!   After getting feedback from teachers and students we will be administering the test differently this time around.   Students will be completing two sessions per day.  No student will test in the morning and afternoon.  

HS PARCC - April Testing

Tuesday, April 28
AM Session (8:05)
Geometry (Sessions 1 & 2)
Algebra 2 Honors (Sessions 1 & 2)
PM Session (12:25)
English 11 (Sessions 1 & 2)
Wednesday, April 29
AM Session (8:05)
Algebra 1 (Sessions 1 & 2)
Geometry Honors (Sessions 1 & 2)
PM Session (12:25)
English 10 (Sessions 1 & 2)

Thursday, April 30
AM Session (8:05)
Algebra 2 (Sessions 1 & 2)
PM Session (12:25)
English 9 (Sessions 1 & 2)

To make this schedule work, we will be running a common lunch for the grade level testing in the afternoon. ONLY students testing in the afternoon will have a common lunch. All other grade levels will be following the normal schedule.

The common lunch will run from 11:20 - 12:20. During these common lunches, underclassman will not be allowed to leave the campus. Weather permitting, sitting outside on the front lawn or in the courtyard will be an option.

11th Grade - Tuesday 4/28
10th Grade - Wednesday 4/29
9th Grade - Thursday 4/30

This schedule will not affect seniors.
