Summer Recess Period at WHS

Dear Parents and Athletes,

I hope you had a great Spring and end to the school year. We are excited to get back to a normal Summer Recess Period for our High School athletic program. The NJSIAA is allowing normal Summer workouts to begin next week.

Here is the plan for the Summer Recess Period at WHS:
  • Summer Workouts (voluntary) for all teams may begin on Monday June 21st
  • Prior to participating in workouts, athletes must hand in a Summer Health History Update Form to the nurses office. This will be handed in just one time.
  • Coach will conduct daily temperature checks prior to the workout to screen each athlete participating. (a reading of 100.4 or higher means the athlete cannot workout)
  • Athletes will bring their own water bottle to the workout.

There are no mandatory workouts. All scheduled workouts will be voluntary.

Mandatory practices do not begin for the Fall season until August 9th for Football and August 16th for all other sports.

The Summer Recharging Period will be in effect this Summer. From July 19-August 1 all of our facilities will be closed. There will be no summer leagues or workouts during this period.

I wanted to also provide some important resources for you as we begin the summer and keep you as up to date as possible on what is going on:

  • WHS Athletic Website - The athletic page offers the information you may be looking for including coaches directory, schedule, and participation forms.
  • Game Change Notifications - Use this link to sign up for our game change notifications. Cancellations, time or location updates get sent directly to you.
  • Social Media - Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @WHSWarrior_ATHL for all athletic news and highlights. For school news and highlights follow Mr. Carroll on Twitter and Instagram.

Lastly, it is important to keep the lines of communication open between our athletic department and you. If you have any questions or concerns about our athletic program at any time throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful summer.

Michael Mayer
Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
