New Staff @ WHS - Kimberly Monico-Rifi

It is my pleasure to introduce Kimberly Monico-Rifi to the Waldwick community. Mrs. Rifi will be a great addition to our Child Study Team as a School Psychologist. We are very excited to have her as part of WHS.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

I have had the awesome opportunity of teaching 3rd-5th grade in Waldwick, at Traphagen, for the past 14 years. I graduated from Montclair State University in 2001 with a B.A. in Elementary Education. Then, in 2007, I completed a Masters in Educational Psychology. In May of 2018, I completed a 2nd Masters in Clinical Psychology, with a School Psychology certification. I am really looking forward to continuing my career as the School Psychologist in the Waldwick School District.

What made you choose Education as a career?

I don't remember what made me choose it, honestly. I can, however, tell you why I am still here. It is the hardest job that you'll ever love. I have not met many people that love their job (outside of education). The challenges are real and intense, but somehow, the next day you arrive with a smile, a huge coffee and you genuinely feel thankful to be there.

What appealed to you about Waldwick High School?

Waldwick is an amazing community that I have no desire to leave. I am looking forward to working with the older students and getting to know new staff.

Tell us something interesting about yourself? 

I've been on 20 cruises and counting. My motto is work hard, play harder. My favorite candy is watermelon sour patches and I hide them from my three kids so I don't have to share them...ever.
