WHS Summer Update (July)

WHS Summer Update #1

I hope everyone is getting a chance to enjoy the summer.

The construction work is moving along at a good pace. There is a lot going on as I’m sure you have noticed! Besides the construction, the administration team and I have been meeting and preparing for September. As part of each summer we reflect back on the past year, review data, discuss new ideas and start to form a game plan for the 23-24 school year. Here is a short synopsis of some of the changes coming to WHS and the why.

Since June of 2022, Waldwick High School has gone through some major physical changes thanks to the Waldwick community for passing the referendum. 85% of the project is complete and only one phase to go for completion. What a transformation!

If you think back to March of 2020, our students have dealt with a lot of instability and disruption related to their academics and daily routines. I am not making excuses here, but three years post the height of the COVID pandemic, we have seen a change in student behavior, work ethic and attendance, not in a positive way. We are not alone in some of these struggles, high schools all around us are dealing with very similar concerns.

Over the past two “normal school years” we have tried to be sensitive and figure out a balance between getting students back into a school routine and providing them support for the time lost. We will continue to support our students and provide them with the resources they need, but changes are coming to WHS in the areas of; personal accountability, expectations and structure. We believe that these three areas need greater attention and require some changes to our current procedures and policies.

Personal Accountability, Expectations and Structure are all going to apply in some way to the changes being implemented for the 23-24 school year.
  • Cell Phone usage in the classroom
  • Hall movement during the school day
  • Attendance / Tardiness to school and class
  • Chromebooks and loaners

Cell phones will no longer be allowed to be used in the classroom. Here’s the WHY:

Years ago when I implemented the use of cell phones in the classrooms, we were not one-to-one with Chromebooks and did not have the technology infrastructure that we have now. At the time, it was an easy way to get technology into the hands of the students. In addition, the Apps today are made to be addictive and have become a huge distraction to the learning process. With these two factors in mind, we believe this change will have a positive impact on the learning environment.

The Student/Parent Handbook will lay out the updated WHS Cell Phone Policy, which will follow the District Policy. Consequences will be listed and enforced starting September 6.
*The Student/Parent Handbook will be published and available for review on August 15th and is part of the Genesis Parent Signature Sheet.

We will be implementing a digital hall pass system to monitor student’s movement during the school day. Here’s the WHY:

Over the last two years we have seen a dramatic increase in meet ups, vaping and damage/vandalism in the bathrooms. We know the amount of time out of the classroom has a negative impact on student learning and hinders the ability to keep up with the content. When students are struggling academically, one of the factors can be lost instructional time and with this hall pass system in place, we will be able to monitor student movement during instructional time.

Once implemented, students will have multiple options when it comes to creating passes. Examples are: Bathroom, Nurse, Water, Counseling Center, Wellness Center, etc. Students will be limited to a number of bathroom passes per day and the amount of time allowed out of the classroom. Teachers will have the ability to allow a student to leave the room in the case of an emergency, even if a student has used all of their passes for the day.

The program has so many more features which I will share with you in a separate post before the start of school.

Attendance and tardiness will be a big focus going into the 23-24 SY. Here’s the WHY:

Punctuality and attendance are crucial aspects of a student's academic journey. They play a significant role in shaping their overall educational experience and future success. In reviewing our attendance data from last year, the number of students with ten plus absences was higher than past years and the number of students with twenty plus tardies was dramatically higher.

Here are a few key factors to why punctuality and attendance are so important:

1. Academic Performance: Regular attendance and punctuality are closely linked to academic achievement. When students attend classes regularly and arrive on time, they have the opportunity to fully engage in the learning process. Consistent attendance also ensures that students don't miss important lessons, assignments, or assessments, which can significantly impact their grades and overall understanding of the subject matter.

2. Building Discipline and Responsibility: Being punctual and attending school regularly instills discipline and responsibility in students. These habits contribute to their personal growth and can positively influence their future careers, as punctuality and reliability are highly valued in the professional world.

3. Establishing a Positive Work Ethic: Regular attendance and punctuality demonstrate a strong work ethic. Being punctual and present in school helps students develop a sense of commitment and dedication to their education, which can translate into greater success in their future endeavors.

4. Maximizing Learning Opportunities: Classroom instruction, discussions, group activities and other forms of engagement contribute to a comprehensive learning experience. By being present and punctual, students actively participate in these activities, collaborate with peers and gain a deeper understanding of the subjects they are studying.

5. Developing Time Management Skills: Being punctual and attending school regularly requires effective time management skills. High school students often juggle multiple responsibilities such as assignments, extracurricular activities and personal commitments. By prioritizing their time and being punctual, students learn to allocate their resources efficiently.

The Student/Parent Handbook will lay out the updated WHS Attendance and Tardiness Policy, which will include the consequences for excessive absences/tardies.
*The Student/Parent Handbook will be published and available for review on August 15th and is part of the Genesis Parent Signature Sheet.

No more loaner Chromebooks. Here’s the WHY:

Loaner Chromebooks will only be given out when a student’s Chromebook is broken and needs repair. Too many students are forgetting their Chromebook at home or not charging it the night before and asking for a loaner. With this move, we hope students will take responsibility for charging their Chromebook on a daily basis. Students will be responsible to make up any work missed.

In summary, these three areas of focus will apply to the whole school community, which for me includes: Students, Parents, Staff, Teachers and Administrators all working together to build stronger relationships, holding each other accountable and creating an environment that is structured and has high expectations!  Exactly what OwnitWHS is all about. 

I will be sharing more information throughout the summer. 
