(UPDATED) NEW Graduation Requirements for the Classes of 2016, 2017 & 2018

PARCC Testing – End of Course Assessments and Graduation Requirements 

Beginning in spring 2015, high school students from the classes of 2016, 2017 and 2018 will be required to take six new PARCC tests: Language Art tests in grades 9, 10 & 11, and math tests for Geometry, Algebra I and Algebra II.  Students will be able to satisfy the state requirement of demonstrating proficiency in English Language Arts and Mathematics in the following ways:   

PARCC Scores.  During the summer of 2015, PARCC states and their higher education partners will meet to engage in standards setting as a consortium so that scores are comparable across all of the PARCC states.  However, each state retains its own authority to establish its ‘cut scores’ for use in graduation decisions.  Thus, schools and districts can expect to be notified of the ‘cut scores’ for use in New Jersey graduation determinations in the Fall of 2015.

Substitute Competency Test  Students who do not achieve a passing score on a PARCC assessment – or who do not take a PARCC assessment because they've already completed the coursework – will be considered to have demonstrated proficiency if they meet or exceed one of the scores below.  Districts should keep documentation of the substitute assessment as part of the student’s educational record to be available upon request by the Department, but are not expected to submit it to the Department.

NJDOE Portfolio AppealDistricts are invited to submit portfolios for students who do not demonstrate competencies either through PARCC or a Substitute Competency test in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics.

Guidance about the graduation requirements beyond the class of 2018 will be provided by the state in the Fall of 2015.  

Most up to date state memo on Graduation requirements: NJDOE Memo 12/2/14

This post is a followup to my October 7, 2014 post tilted NEW Graduation Requirements for the Classes of 2016, 2017 & 2018.  The state added additional information related to "Substitute Competency Test" which are now included in this post.  
