As part of our Health curriculum, all Junior Health classes will be covering CPR towards the end of the marking period.

As mentioned on Back-To-School Night, upon completion of the unit, the students are provided with an opportunity to test for certification. Students who choose to participate will be charged $20.00 plus a Transaction Fee.

Beyond the ability to be prepared in the case of a medical emergency, the benefits of becoming officially certified are:

An official LifeSaver card to keep in their wallet
Job opportunities such as life guarding, babysitting, coaching opportunities, etc
Resume and college application information
MiniKey CPR Key-chain disposable mask, customized for Waldwick High School

If students wish to become certified:
Use Payforit.com - To pay the fee (just like the Chromebook Insurance)

Login into the PayForIt.net website, click on “Fees” then “Make Fee Payment.”
Click the green “+” icon to the right of the CPR.
Click “Review and Pay.”
Select Payment Method, then click “Process Payment.”
*Parents/Guardians will receive a receipt via email when payment is complete.

Any questions, please see your Health teacher.
