Warriors Athletic Program - Update for Freshmen Athletes

September, 2020

Dear Parents of Freshmen Athletes,

Welcome to Waldwick High School and our Warriors Athletic Program.  I know this is a new and exciting year for your student-athlete.  It is also a very different year than what we have had in the past.  However, no matter what, at WHS our goal is to provide your son or daughter with the best possible high school athletic experience we can.  

Here is a general outline of what our program provides:

  1. 21 Varsity Sports: - Normal School Year

Fall - Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Football, Cheerleading, Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Cross Country, Girls Tennis

Winter - Wrestling, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Girls Indoor Track, Boys Indoor Track

Spring - Golf, Softball, Baseball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Boys Outdoor Track, Girls Outdoor Track

11 of our programs have JV teams and 6 of our programs have Freshman teams

          New Changes for 2020-2021 - A four season plan:

            Fall (Season 1) - Sept 11 - Nov. 12    Playoffs until Nov. 22  

            Winter (Season 2)  - Dec. 3 - Feb. 3 Playoffs until Feb 17

            Volleyball (Season 3) - Feb. 16 - April 14   Playoffs until April 24 

                (Other seasons could get moved into this time frame if there is an outbreak)

            Spring Sports (Season 4) - Start and End dates are currently TBA

  1. We have a no cut policy here at Waldwick High School.  If your child wants to play a sport, they will be on the team. This is an opportunity for freshmen especially, to try a sport they have never played before and be part of a team.  However, playing time is earned in practice. This means the player must have demonstrated athletic competence, an understanding of the game plan and the required level of conditioning necessary to perform.  This will be determined by the coach.  

  1. We provide transportation from school to all events and then back to the school after each event.  The team will take a bus and will be supervised by their coach.

  1. We are a school that is a proud partner with the Positive Coaching Alliance to help provide our coaches with the tools to teach life lessons through athletics.

Our athletic program is so much more than this and I am looking forward to sharing all of it with you over the next four years.

I wanted to also provide some important resources for you as we begin the year:

  1. WHS Athletic Website - The athletic page offers the information you may be looking for, including a coaches directory, schedule and participation forms.

  2. WHS Athletic Code of Conduct - This is something to review with your athlete to better understand what is expected in our athletic program.

  3. WHS Spectator's Code of Conduct - This is something to review to better understand what #WarriorNation means.

  4. Game Change Notifications - Use this link to sign up for our game change notifications.  Cancellations and time or location updates get sent directly to you.

  5. Social Media - Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @WHSWarrior_ATHL for all athletic news and highlights.   For school news and highlights, follow Mr. Carroll on Twitter and Instagram

  6. WHS Athletic Booster Club - This is the registration form.  Please consider getting involved.  The Boosters do so much for our athletic program and need your help to do even more.  Meetings take place once a month on Mondays.

  7. Positive Coaching Alliance Resources - This website provides resources for everyone involved in high school sports including athletes, parents and coaches.

  8. The High School Sports Parent - This is a link to an article from the Positive Coaching Alliance to help introduce parents to high school athletics.  

  9. College Athletics Info - If your son or daughter wants to play college sports, this information can get us started.  Please remind your athletes that their grades count from the beginning of freshman year.  

Lastly, it is important to keep the lines of communication open between our athletic department and you.  If you have any questions or concerns about our athletic program at any time throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am excited to meet your student-athlete and get this year started!

Michael Mayer

Assistant Principal / Athletic Director

Waldwick High School

201-652-9000 ext 5015


