CPR Certification

As part of our Health curriculum, all Junior Health classes will be covering CPR towards the end of the marking period.
As mentioned on Back-To-School Night by the PE and health teacher, upon completion of the unit, the students are provided with an opportunity to test for certification. Students who choose to participate will be charged $20.00 plus a Transaction Fee.

Beyond the ability to be prepared in the case of a medical emergency, the benefits of becoming officially certified are:

An official LifeSaver card to keep in their wallet
Job opportunities such as life guarding, babysitting, coaching opportunities, etc
Resume and college application information
MiniKey CPR Key-chain disposable mask, customized for Waldwick High School

If students wish to become certified:

Use Pay School - To pay the fee (just like the Chromebook Insurance)

Any questions, please reachout to your Health teacher.
