Communication @ Waldwick High School

I just wanted to take the time to remind everyone about all the different ways WHS communicates with the Waldwick community.   We have so many great things going on here at Waldwick High School, which is why I try to post the information in as many places as possible.  The information below I have posted before but wanted to share it again. 

Naviance Emails (WHS News and Guidance News)
WHS News - General school announcements, sports highlights, student achievements, etc
Guidance News – Guidance newsletters, scholarship opportunities, Career Café, College Visits, forms, deadlines, etc

District news, forms, Student Handbook, Course Selection Guide,  Athletic Schedules, Parent Folder, etc 

Facebook Page

To all the Facebook users out there, Waldwick High School now has its own Facebook Page.    The page will be another communication tool that I will utilize to keep everyone up to date on events and information going on at WHS.

To follow the Official Waldwick High School Facebook Page just click on the Like button.   Not sure what the Like button does?  Here is a quick explanation:
Liking a Page means you are connecting to that Page. When you connect to a Page, it will appear in your profile (timeline) and you will appear on the Page as a person who likes that Page. The Page will also be able to post content into your News Feed.

Spread the word to your Friends, Family, Alumni, etc.

Keep in mind this Facebook Page is an extension of the high school and all comments should be kept appropriate.  

Waldwick High School Now on Twitter

In our continuing effort to increase communication at Waldwick High School, Principal Kevin Carroll will introduce the use of Twitter (@WaldwickWHS) to "tweet" periodic updates about calendar events, student successes, sporting events, school closing and other useful information.  The Naviance emails (WHS News) will continue to be the official source of information, along with our school website and the Waldwick High School Facebook Page.

To receive these messages automatically on your computer or web-enabled mobile phone signup for a Twitter account. This only takes 2 minutes and you can begin receiving updates without searching the web. Start following @WaldwickWHS now by clicking on the link below.

Please be aware that Waldwick High School is simply using Twitter as a form of increased communication.  Replies to any announcements via Twitter are viewed solely by the Principal with no guarantee of a response.  This account will be used strictly for one-way communication and there will be no monitoring of student, parent, or other community accounts.  If you are in need of communicating or responding to any WHS administrator or faculty member please continue to use e-mail or phone.
Questions or comments can be directed to WHS Principal Kevin Carroll at or Media Specialist Erin Hummel

K. Carroll
