50 Years Through Pictures @ WHS

1966 Yearbook Cover

A part of the 50th anniversary of Waldwick High School, I will be tweeting out pictures throughout the school year showcasing the past and present.  I will be using the hashtag (#WHS50) so I encourage you to tweet out your own pictures and use the hashtag (#WHS50) so everyone can share their images and stories related to Waldwick High School.  I will be closely following the hashtag and will retweet the pictures posted.  If you are not on twitter, you can still see all the tweets by going to the high school webpage where you will find a feed of all the tweets.

You can also email me carrollk@waldwick.k12.nj.us  your pictures and I will get them posted.   In addition, all of the tweets from the @WaldwickWHS twitter account automatically get cross-posted on the Waldwick High School Facebook page.   So LIKE us on Facebook to view all of the pictures. 
I think this will be a great way for all of the WHS alumni to share and be proud of their memories at WHS.   
2013 Yearbook Cover

“Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.”   - Walt Disney Company
