NJ Department of Education News

The information below is from the NJ Department of Education 

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that by the age of 18, the average American child will have viewed 200,000 acts of violence on television. Some studies suggest that exposure to violence in the media increases the chances that children will behave more aggressively, experience more anger and hostility, think more about aggression and violence, and become “numb” to images of violence.

In response to this concern and in an effort to increase awareness, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed P.L.2013, c.146, which requires the New Jersey Department of Education to prepare and make available on the department’s website information on how a parent can limit a child’s exposure to violence on television, cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices. 

The link below is a pamphlet created by the NJDOE. 

Media Violence and Youth: Impact of a Child’s Exposure to Media Violence
