Welcome to the Waldwick High School Principal's Blog
The Waldwick High School Principal’s Blog is something I wanted to start two years ago but never took the big step until today. I have been following other principals/educational leaders from around the world, who have their own blog or use other types of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc) to highlight their schools, share ideas and build their own PLN (Personal Learning Network).
I have two main goals for this blog.
1St - It will be another communication tool to help keep our students, parents, community members and alumni informed about events, activities and achievements going on at Waldwick High School.
2nd - Create a blog that shares ideas, connects with other educators and gives me the opportunity to highlight some of the great teachers and educational programs at Waldwick High School.
As a Principal I have tried to model and expose my staff to as many Web 2.0 tools as I can over the past four years. I have talked with them about incorporating 21st Century Skills into their lessons, and discussed the importance of keeping our students engaged and the learning relevant. As a staff we have embraced cell phones, created our own youtube channel, used Facebook and Twitter within the classroom, and many other projects/presentations that were not going on in the past. My staff has welcomed the opportunities presented to them, and I believe we have a lot to share (and still learn).
I am looking forward to this new adventure.
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